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(You can order online by Clicking here)
"We are the Bulldogs, Mighty, Mighty Bulldogs":
Dedication of Class of '67 Memorial Marker
at BHS - Oct 6th, '07
L to R/Top to Bottom: (standing on
sign) Bob Rebmann,
(standing on ground) Carolyn Miller Sexton, Michele Ferrara, Nancy Bender Brock, Gretchen Hardy
Mayne, Janice Yorke Davis, Tina DeGeorge Goldrick, (sitting on sign base) Barbara McHugh Buckley,
(sitting on grass L-R) Susan
Jackson Fioravanti, Sherry Chapman Grizzel, Marilyn Monson Nimtz, (sitting on
sign base) Sue
Kaffenberger Wetzel, Charlotte Parker Vincent, (ground) Linda Fuhrmeister Potter, Kevin
Donohue, (standing on sign) Dave Fleming, Kathy Lyons Fleming, Noreen Magargal Lucas, Pat Walker
Fox, "Packy" Tato.
The 40th Reunion of the Brandywine High Class of 1967 has passed into the history books. Many thanks to the over 160 people who attended, especially those who made this great reunion weekend possible. Please send us any digital reunion photos you took and we will post them here on the website. More photos and information will be posted as they come in.
Hear Ye!, Hear Ye!
40th Reunion Proclamations
made possible by Delaware State Representative and Class of
'67 member, William A. "Bill" Oberle, Jr.
From a satisfied Class of '67 reunion goer: �"Location, Food, Drink, Decorations, Printed program, Spoken comments, Dessert, Gift, Welcome, Opportunities to connect with old friends, I did make a couple new friends, Nametags, Picture boards, Extra opportunities (Buckley's, plaque, and Charcoal Pit) All were Terrific!�
Look for the Class of '67 on
the "Alumni" sections of both the Brandywine School District and BHS websites.
Click on screenshots to click thru to "alumni" link.
If you didn't pick up your 40th reunion gift at the reunion (customized wooden BHS plaque seen below), let us know and we'll ship it to you.
Classmate Reunion
created by Linda Fuhrmeister Potter
40th Reunion Program (list of Attendees, Reunion comments, In Memoriam) - download by clicking here
Reunion Fund Donors> Special Thanks to These Individuals
40th Reunion Invitation - print out your own copy by clicking
on the invitation pictured left.
40th Reunion Schedule of Events (Click Here) - artwork courtesy of Jeff Cooper
The Class of '67
gets national mention in - REUNIONS MAGAZINE -
here and
click here for the official reunion press release
Missed or Couldn't Open Previous E-Blast Communications? (Here they are again, just click on to open)
Keep Up With the Jones...(E-Blast - 9.30.07)
Revisit Some of Your Old Haunts...(E-Blast - 9.27.07)
You Belong In A Barn! - (E-Blast - 9.24.07)
Some Things Just Get Better With Age - (E-blast - 9.20.07)
Rock of Ages-Aging Rockers - (E-blast - 9.14.07)
Experience a Time When Music Lyrics Had Really Deep Meaning - (E-Blast - 9.6.07)
Follow the Yellow Brick Road - (E-Blast - 8.29.07)
Get Together With Some of Your Old Buddies - (E-Blast - 8.12.07)
On The Road of Life - (E-Blast - 5.3.07)
Get The Hottest Ticket In Town - (E-Blast - 3.5.07)
Re-Discover Your Inner Teen - (E-Blast - 1.15.07)
Shortcut to Class of '67 E-Mail Directory (includes Bio & HS Picture)
Various Classmate Modes of Transportation to the 40th Reunion:
Green Jones came by BMW Motorcycle; Bob Rebmann (and his wife-Chris) drove cross-country from Utah.
Bob racing his race prepared Camaro at Wendover Field, Utah.
40th Reunion was catered by
The reunion menu is: various butlered hors d'oeuvres, assorted cheese with fruit, French bread rolls with filet of beef Madagascar carved by chef, turkey supreme with sauce, grilled summer vegetables, Caesar salad, pasta bar with assorted toppings, vegetarian rotini pasta, chicken primavera with sugar snap peas and a toppings bar, bar with premium wine and micro brew beer along with water and sodas, 2 cakes: carrot cake with pastry cream filling and cream cheese frosting, and 1/2 vanilla cake with strawberry and cream filling with white frosting and 1/2 chocolate cake with chocolate mousse with white frosting. Both cakes will have decorations of our BHS variety, surprise!! And coffee will be served with the cakes. (from Marilyn Monson Nimtz)
A Special
Class of '67 "Bulldog Brew" (& custom keg tap)
was provided by Twin Lakes Brewing of
Greenville, DE!
Blue Ball Reunion Tent Carpeting generously donated by Classmate Ron Robinson
"Quilts are like friends - a great source of comfort and warmth. A quilt will warm your body and comfort your soul." ~Author Unknown
From Colorado with Love; Class of '67 Custom made quilt from Pete Simon's wife, Mary Bohn. (NOTE: Winning quilt bid was made by Norm Lack).
1967 to 2007: A 40 year Musical Journey By Pete Simon (Aug '07) - Classmate and KUVO DJ Pete Simon makes sense out of the music of the last 40 years - a well thought out "think piece". (Email Pete and let him know what you think!)
<--Blue Ball Then.......Blue Ball NOW ↓WOW!
Blue Ball is the new home to the Delaware Folk Art Collection. Interior views of the new Blue Ball Barn (click on images at left)
Ever wonder why it's called Blue Ball? (Click Here)
L- Leslie Power Bishop, Jody Oberholtzer Egleston, Barbara McHugh Buckley, Debbie Chavenson Grossman
R-Cheryl O'Dell, Debbie Chavenson Grossman & Liz Taylor
Front to back-left to right-Anne Neely Beck, Bob Rebmann, Bob Kirkpatrick, Nancy Lloyd, Cathy Harrison, Barbara Buckley McHugh, Gretchen Hardy, Sue Kaffenberger Wetzel, Maureen Crowley Milford, Jody Oberholtzer Egleston, Marilyn Sears,
Janice Yorke (turned around), Dave Fleming
The Reunion Committee roots for the home team at Modica Stadium - Homecoming Game - Against Mt. Pleasant-Saturday Oct. 3rd 2002
Class Group Photo (not the greatest but it's the only group shot available)
Random Reunion Photos-For more 35th reunion photos-click here
35th Reunion (Oct-2002) Memorabilia
35th Reunion INVITATION-Click here and print out your own souvenir copy
More Reunion Details - (places, names, dates - Just in case you missed it)